Illegals Voting in Texas? Election Integrity Debate Reignites

October 14, 2024 Illegals Voting in Texas? Election Integrity Debate Reignites  image

Key Takeaways

  • Reports of Texas poll workers being told to accept non-citizen IDs for voting sparked election integrity debates.
  • Americans are worried about securing the election, with 75% of conservatives expressing concern about fraud.
  • Democrats are mostly unconcerned, preferring to focus on voter access and combating what they see as misinformation about the voting process. 

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All Voters

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Geographical Breakdown


Time Period

14 Days

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A viral video from Texas poll worker training reignited concerns about election integrity. In the clip, a trainer says the Texas Secretary of State is directing poll workers to allow non-citizen IDs to be used as valid identification at polling places. He explained this by saying poll workers are to “assume” non-citizens have become naturalized but simply failed to update their ID.

This video is sparking debate in Texas and across the country about ongoing election integrity concerns. For those already worried about election integrity, emerging reports imply calculated efforts by state and local officials to muddy the waters on voting transparency.

Republicans Most Concerned about Voter Fraud

  • Conservatives: 75% believe allowing non-citizen IDs invites fraud and undermines election integrity.
  • Moderates: 50% are concerned over illegal immigrants voting, though they emphasize they do not want legitimate votes suppressed.
  • Liberals: 60% dismiss concerns of non-citizen voting, saying all measures in question are limited to ensuring access for legitimate voters.

Many on the right increasingly raise alarm about illegal immigrants potentially voting in the election. They say accepting non-citizen IDs is a direct assault on election integrity. Republicans are the most vocal about widespread fraud in the election, with some agreement from moderates.

Concerned voters feel betrayed by corrupt establishment powers willing to take drastic steps to secure the election for Democrats. Moderates, while less passionate, still echo caution about transparency after 2020 confusion and accusations.

Those on the left downplay concerns about illegal immigrants voting. They say illegitimate votes are either so minimal or nonexistent as to be unimportant. Instead, they focus on implementing inclusion measures, accusing conservatives of fearmongering and trying to suppress legitimate votes.

  • In the last 14 days, sentiment regarding election integrity averaged 43.5% among Democrats and 39.7% among Republicans.

Election Integrity in Swing States

  • 84% of voters fear fraud in critical swing states could sway election results.
  • Fraud fears focus on cities like Atlanta, Philadelphia, and Detroit.

Election fraud in important swing states especially worries those who believe the election process is under threat. Many cite Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Nevada as areas of high concern.

Battlegrounds where every vote is critical for securing a win put Americans are on high alert for fraud. A dramatic 84% of voters say they worry about improper voting practices, mentioning things like accepting non-citizen IDs or ballot harvesting.

Voters say they worry that even minimal fraud efforts in critical counties could sway state results and even the election. Cities like Atlanta, Philadelphia, and Detroit, where past allegations of fraud continue to sour trust, generate high levels of concern. Particularly on the right, many remain convinced that 2020 was rife with irregularities and attempts to exploit loopholes—both of which they say may happen again in 2024.

Disillusionment and Voter Turnout

  • 45% of young voters (18-34) plan to vote in 2024.
  • 62% of all voters believe media bias distorts election fraud realities.
  • Many cite disillusionment with both major parties and the political system.

Many older voters are focused on election integrity, but younger voters say they feel disengaged and disillusioned. Less than half of the 18-34 demographic say they plan to vote in the 2024 election. Previous MIG Reports analysis also showed 45% of Christians say they do not plan to vote.

More than half of voters say mainstream media intentionally downplays legitimate concerns about voting irregularities. This fuels distrust in the press and voter confidence in government transparency. This distrust is strongest among Republicans who view the media as consistently running cover for Democrats.

Voter disillusionment is a growing issue for both parties, often stemming from distrust in institutions—including the election process. Young voters say Democrats and Republicans both fail to paint a compelling vision for the future. They often feel the entire political system is broken, voicing discouragement and apathy.

The risk for Trump is that growing disengagement could hurt turnout if voters do not believe the election process is secure. The GOP is making strides to implement election integrity measures, but whether that will assuage voter cynicism remains unclear.

Democrats Focus on Misinformation

  • 78% of Democrats emphasize combating disinformation over voter fraud.
  • Democrats worry about voter suppression and protecting access to voting.
  • They dismiss worries about non-citizens voting, focusing instead on laws they see as restrictive—like voter ID laws.

Most Democrats dismiss concerns about election integrity, saying Republicans are stuck on 2020 narratives which have been proven untrue. This group is more worried about controlling disinformation on social media and right-leaning media outlets.

Combating voter suppression and preventing unfounded fraud allegations is a top priority for Democratic voters. They say election cheating narratives are politically motivated to suppress voter turnout, particularly in marginalized communities.

Republicans Tie Immigration to Election Fraud

  • 72% of Republicans are skeptical about mail-in voting and illegals voting.
  • 59% feel disillusioned about how GOP leadership is handling election integrity.

Skepticism and discouragement are high among Republicans. They say election integrity is critical, with 72% voicing worries about various voter fraud methods. Many Republicans believe Democrats plan to manipulate election results, with few precautions from GOP leaders.

A focal point of worry is on swing states, where control of the Senate and the White House could be at stake. Republicans often express feelings of betrayal by party leaders and say they lack confidence in a fair election.

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