Legacy Media is Crumbling and Democrats Want to Censor X

October 12, 2024 Legacy Media is Crumbling and Democrats Want to Censor X   image

Key Takeaways

  • Allegations of CBS editing a Kamala Harris interview on “60 Minutes” to hide her incoherent answers are causing controversy.
  • Most Americans distrust mainstream media, but Republicans claim bias in favor of Democrats while Democrats claim bias in favor of conservatives.
  • Voters view X and other online platforms as critical for preserving free speech, while politicians like Hillary Clinton call for censorship. 

Our Methodology


All Voters

Sample Size


Geographical Breakdown


Time Period

4 Days

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Recent media scandals and accusations of “misinformation” serve to further entrench voters in their existing views about free speech and media bias.

MIG Reports data shows:

  • Republicans and conservatives blame legacy media outlets of skewing news in favor of Democrats.
  • Democrat and liberals are more likely to believe the news unfairly benefits conservatives.
  • Free speech advocates view X as a critical platform for keeping media outlets accountable.

CBS and the 60 Minutes Scandal

A "60 Minutes" interview with Harris has become a flashpoint of discussion about media bias and free speech on X (formerly Twitter). Many people online pointed out misleading edits during the interview, with two versions of Harris’s answer to a question—one coherent and the other a “word salad.”

  • 63% of voters are frustrated over CBS obscuring the reality of Harris’s responses, saying the network is betraying its political bias.
  • Voters called for CBS to release a full transcript of the interview, demanding transparency and accountability.
  • Americans say the mainstream media has abandoned impartial journalism and lies to help Democrats.
  • Conservatives believe legacy media outlets systematically discredit conservative figures and viewpoints, making platforms like X critical for free speech.

Hillary Clinton’s Call for Information Control

Hillary Clinton recently made comments on CNN extolling the need for controlling misinformation. In a viral clip, she criticized Section 230 and called for its repeal. She said if social media platforms “don’t moderate and monitor the content, we lose total control.”

  • 68% of voters criticize Clinton’s stance, calling it a violation of free speech and the Constitution.
  • Voters say Democrats and the media advocate for censorship and using government force to silence opposing viewpoints.
  • Many, especially on the right, say Clinton and others use accusations of “misinformation” to suppress dissenting opinions rather than promote truth.

X as a Free Speech Stronghold

Previous MIG Reports analysis showed less than 25% of all voters trust mainstream media. With this collapse of trust, more Americans prefer alternative platforms like X, which they see as vital for free expression.

  • 62% of voters believe X plays an essential role in facilitating free speech and serving as an alternative to biased mainstream outlets.
  • 48% worry legacy media and politicians are trying to suppress information shared on X and other online platforms.
  • Democrats and Republicans both distrust media but cite bias as benefitting the opposite viewpoints.

Conservative Distrust in Media

Republicans and right leaning voters often feel frustration that mainstream media portrays conservative leaders, especially Trump, in a negative light. Many also point out that legacy outlets like MSNBC admit their bias in favor of Democrats behind closed doors. They say news outlets amplify or suppress stories based on whether they help or hurt Democrats.

  • 40% of conservatives discuss their outrage over media portrayals of Trump, arguing the press systematically manipulates narratives to discredit him.
  • 65% argue “woke” culture is eroding traditional American values, contributing to extreme political discourse.
  • 68% are concerned that the Biden-Harris administration wants to silence critical viewpoints, particularly during times of crisis or controversy.

Democrats Say Media Favors Trump

While Democrats also distrust the media, they believe bias favors conservatives. Many discuss “misinformation” and “disinformation,” saying it is a significant problem exclusive to the right.

  • 70% of Democrats believe the media fails to hold Trump accountable for lies, suggesting a systemic bias in favor of conservative narratives.
  • 65% say the media amplifies conservative claims about immigration being a crisis, while downplaying the benefits of diverse populations.
  • 80% perceive conservative-leaning outlets as promoting misleading information to undermine Democrat credibility.

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