Americans Oppose the TikTok Ban Law Signed by Biden

April 27, 2024 Americans Oppose the TikTok Ban Law Signed by Biden  image

Key Takeaways

  • Most Americans oppose Biden signing the TikTok ban into law, arguing it hampers free speech.
  • Voters view blocking platforms like TikTok as government censorship and an attack on freedom of speech.
  • Young voters represent the most vocal opposition, a trend that may continue as student protests continue to be shut down. 

Our Methodology


All Voters

Sample Size


Geographical Breakdown


Time Period

14 Days

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MIG Reports analysis clearly shows a potential TikTok ban in the United States is opposed by most voters. This majority views a ban as an infringement on their freedom of speech, a fundamental right in the United States.

Many voters express concern over government overreach and censorship. They argue their voices are being silenced and their ability to express themselves freely is being limited. This sentiment is particularly strong among younger Americans, who are more likely to use TikTok and other social media platforms as a form of expression and communication.

Many view the potential ban as an assault on their First Amendment rights, arguing the government is trying to control or limit platforms it has no right to restrict. They express concern about the suppression of voices, elimination of income streams, and potentially silencing certain opinions. They say without platforms like TikTok, an array of voices may not be heard.

Freedom of Speech Arguments

The concept of freedom of speech appears to be particularly important to younger Americans. They view TikTok as a platform for self-expression and community building. These users often refer to the app as a space that allows uncensored speech and promotes diversity. They fear a ban would be unnecessary and counterproductive.

There is a small contingent, mostly older voters, who support the ban. They frequently cite national security concerns. This group argues the Chinese-owned app is a risk to the United States and its citizens. Some also say big tech companies being regulated by the government is not a free speech issue. However, this sentiment is less prevalent and is mainly found among older Americans.

Arguments also spark debates about freedom of speech versus hate speech. Some say freedom of speech should not be used as a cover to promote hate or discrimination. This sentiment is seen across various age groups and political affiliations.

Gen Z and Other Digital Natives

Among younger demographics, regardless of political affiliation, opinions are largely negative towards the ban. Younger Americans view TikTok as a source of entertainment, self-expression, and even income.

This group often blames both the Trump and Biden administrations for the proposed ban, often using humor and sarcasm in their comments. They also express concern over the government's control over social media platforms.

Other Discussions About TikTok

General sentiment toward the idea of banning TikTok in the United States appears to be divided along political and generational lines. Beyond free speech and government censorship, people are discussing security, social issues, and the modern community.

National Security

Some conservative or older voters insist a ban is necessary due to concerns over national security and data privacy. They argue TikTok and its Chinese parent company ByteDance, share sensitive user data with the Chinese government.

Anti-Woke Sentiment

A significant number of voters express anti-woke sentiments, a term often used to criticize perceived political correctness or progressive social ideologies. These users voice disdain for what they perceive as liberal or “left: bias on social media platforms, including TikTok.


More liberal or progressive voters say they use TikTok as a platform to promote anti-racist sentiments and ideas. They argue banning TikTok would suppress these important conversations and movements.

Entertainment and Community

For many younger users, TikTok is primarily a source of entertainment and community. These Americans often express frustration at the potential ban, viewing it as an unnecessary restriction on their leisure activities and social interactions.

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