Alex Jones’ Infowars Being Shut Down Makes Americans Angry

June 08, 2024 Alex Jones’ Infowars Being Shut Down Makes Americans Angry  image

Key Takeaways

  • Conservative reactions to the potential of Alex Jones being forced to sell Infowars to make legal payments show disillusionment from those who view Infowars as a vital counterpoint to mainstream media.
  • Particularly noteworthy is an "us versus them” perspective, representing a deep-seated distrust and suspicion towards government institutions and mainstream media.
  • Alex Jones’ potential ruin is celebrated by liberal and Democratic voters, which indicates the partisan tones of this online discourse. 

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All Voters

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1 Day

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Recently, Infowars owner Alex Jones took steps to liquidate his assets to pay legal damages. These costs were money he owes victims of the 2012 Sandy Hook school massacre. The original court-ordered payment totaled approximately $1.5 billion.

Online reactions to possibility of Alex Jones being forced to sell Infowars are contentions, dividing people along political lines. The debate largely revolves around certain keywords and phrases like the "deep state,” "globalism,” “freedom of speech,” “the Biden administration,” and “MAGA.”

Deep State

Sentiment toward the deep state is predominantly negative and critical of:

  • Government bureaucracy
  • Mainstream media
  • The Biden administration

Discussion trends include:

  • A perception that deep state entities mislead the public.
  • The deep state is often blamed for negative events. People believe the deep state is a clandestine network within the government manipulating national affairs.
  • Media and politicians burying the Hunter Biden laptop story during the 2020 election is frequently cited as evidence of deep state action.
  • People express worry over perceived threats to free speech by the deep state. This is frequently mentioned in refences to Alex Jones and Infowars.
  • Infowars viewers suggest Jones being forced to sell his platform could be a coordinated attack by the deep state.
  • There is strong support for the MAGA movement, indicating a large conservative presence within these discussions.

A main theme in discussions is an “us versus them” attitude, suggesting strong distrust and suspicion towards government institutions and mainstream media

Discussion and Sentiment Analysis

As people discuss the situation with Alex Jones and the potential loss of Infowars, there are several discussion and sentiment trends:

  • There is a pervasive sense of dissatisfaction and anger among Jones supporters.
  • Many people frequently use terms like "uniparty," highlighting a distrust in both political parties which people view as colluding against conservative interests.
  • There is specific dissatisfaction with Republican representatives for failing to uphold conservative values.
  • People are calling for action from figures like Rep. Marjorie Tayler-Greene and Speaker Mike Johnson, albeit with skepticism about their effectiveness.
  • Many conversations mention people like Steve Bannon, indicating a link between personal grievances and larger political events.
  • There is a desire for grassroots mobilization and resistance, with MAGA supporters viewed as a counterforce to perceived political wrongdoings.

Despite an overall negative sentiment, are also optimistic calls for concrete action to address perceived injustices against Jones, Bannon, Trump, and other conservative figures. Among the dissatisfaction and disillusionment, there's a hint of rallying and a call for tangible action.

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