Voters Increasingly View Polling Data as a Relic of the Past

October 20, 2024 Voters Increasingly View Polling Data as a Relic of the Past  image

Key Takeaways

  • Americans largely view political polls as instruments of elitist agendas to influence votes rather than forecast them.
  • Trust in political institutions, including mainstream media and polling, is severely fractured. People selectively believe data which confirms existing beliefs.
  • Voters express fear and defiance and much of Trump’s base aims to combat what they view as a morally and politically corrupt establishment. 

Our Methodology


All Voters

Sample Size


Geographical Breakdown


Time Period

7 Days

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Inaccurate poll results in previous elections combined with worsening political polarization is eroding public confidence in polling overall. Voters express loyalty, hostility, fear, and distrust, with emotional conclusions often superseding polling data presented as fact. MIG Reports analysis reveals underlying patterns shaping public perception and how polls are interpreted in 2024.

Belief in Polls

Widespread Skepticism

Skepticism towards polling is a recurring theme, particularly on the right. Many distrust mainstream polling, believing the data is manipulated or biased to favor Harris and the Democratic establishment.

Skepticism of polls is ensconced in broader disillusionment with mainstream media and political institutions. This group view polls showing Harris in a favorable light as part of a larger agenda to undermine Trump and demoralize GOP voters.

Selective Trust

Despite their general distrust, Trump supporters selectively trust polling data when the results favor him. They express confidence in polls showing Trump in the lead, while dismissing those that do not align with their expectations.

This selective belief in polling suggests partisan leanings influence the perception of facts. Harris supporters similarly prefer to believe polls in their side’s favor. Polls showing Harris performing better than Biden prior to dropping out reinforce their optimism and hope for a second Trump defeat.

Emotional Engagement Over Data

Emotions likely play a greater role than objective statistical analysis in shaping people’s responses to polling. Rather than engaging with numbers in a detached manner, voters often react based on their emotional investment in certain outcomes.

Sentiments such as hope, fear, and animosity heavily influence their interpretation of polling results. For many, the polls serve less as an objective measure of public opinion and more as a reflection of their political identity and lived experiences.

Polarization and Loyalty

Trump and Harris supporters have sharply divided views of polling numbers. Republicans voice strong loyalty to Trump, often framing their support as a defiance of political oppression. They view Trump as a symbol of resistance, rallying around his perceived successes, and expressing doubt about negative polls results.

Harris supporters emphasize a desire for competent, progressive leadership, seeing her as a beacon of change and social justice. This divergence illustrates the stark polarization in sentiment, where each candidate's potential success would be viewed as revelatory of inaccurate polling.

Hostility and Animosity

Hostility toward Harris and Democrats is strong among Trump supporters, who frequently use derogatory terms to describe her and the Democratic Party. Harris is often portrayed as a failure or a traitor, intensifying the "us versus them" narrative.

Democratic voters are hostile to Trump, calling him an embarrassment to the nation, describing his leadership as detrimental to American democracy. This animosity is not limited to the candidates but extends to the political systems and institutions they represent. This fuels distrust and disillusionment in traditional forecasting methods.

Fear and Anxiety

Loyalty to Trump is often accompanied by fear about the consequences of a Harris victory. Republicans express anxiety over election integrity, fearing the system is being manipulated to favor the Democratic candidates, including polls.

These concerns are intertwined with broader fears about political change and the perceived threat to American values. Harris supporters have a sense of urgency, viewing the election as critical for advancing social justice and inclusivity. For them, the 2024 election represents a pivotal moment in shaping the future of the country.

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