Joe Biden’s 2024: Americans Want Out

June 25, 2024 Joe Biden’s 2024: Americans Want Out  image

Key Takeaways

  • The Biden-Harris administration is currently facing a turbulent landscape filled with economic unease, ongoing criticism of immigration policies, and rising crime.
  • Voter preferences for Trump are driven by the belief that his policies previously provided stronger economic stability and security.
  • Demographic patterns suggest this shift is not uniform across all groups but is particularly notable among the working class, suburbanites, and middle-aged to older voters who feel economically strained. 

Our Methodology


All Voters

Sample Size


Geographical Breakdown


Time Period

7 Days

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The Biden-Harris administration is currently facing significant criticism on multiple fronts. Among the top issues consistently emerging in discussions are inflation and illegal immigration. These issues are a core driver of voter dissatisfaction with the administration's shortcomings.

Economic and border issues are creating a potent mix of anger and frustration from Biden detractors. MIG Reports analyzed recent online discussions and identified other issues such as crime and education impacting Biden’s approval.

Voters are particularly disillusioned in these demographic groups:

Economic fears

  • Middle-class Americans
  • Suburban residents
  • Middle-aged to older voters who are economically strained

Open border critics

  • Many young voters
  • Anti-establishment voters
  • Conservative and border state Americans

Biden’s broken promises

  • Black and other minorities


Most Americans cite inflation and the economy as a primary concern. They argue inflation has significantly worsened under Biden’s tenure, often mentioning high gas and grocery prices.

Voters say Biden’s policies, including the Inflation Reduction Act, have failed to mitigate price increases. They feel their purchasing power eroding, making everyday life more expensive. Related topics like increased housing costs and high mortgage rates also accompany inflation discussions, emphasizing the financial strain households are feeling.

Illegal immigration

A major area of concern for voters continues to be border security. Critics blame the Biden administration for lax border policies which have resulted in a massive influx of illegal immigrants.

People often link border issues to crime, with many pointing out the rise in illegal immigration contributes directly to an increase in violence and drug trafficking. How the Biden administration is handling border issues often features in discussions. There is a heavy focus on egregious border mismanagement and its socio-economic impact.

Crime Rate

There is special attention on crime rates in major cities, which have become a flashpoint. Voters accuse the Biden administration of not doing anything to combat rising crime.

Many say the administration’s law enforcement policies are ill-advised and lackluster. This criticism is often linked to inflation and immigration, forming a narrative that crime is part of a larger systemic failure.


There are discussions about how public schools are managed, with many disapproving of progressive ideology indoctrination. There are also still debates about controversial school closures and how education resumed during COVID. Critics argue unjustified restrictions have led to an irreversible decline in educational standards and student performance.

Sentiment Trends

Trending Downward

The prevailing for Biden campaign sentiment is increasingly negative. Complaints encompass frustrations over economic hardship, the deterioration of public safety, and dissatisfaction with national policy direction. There is anger towards how Biden is handling domestic and foreign policy, particularly regarding financial aid to Ukraine and how it is prioritized over American needs.

Switching Sides

Some trends suggest Biden supporters who become Trump voters are often motivated by economic dissatisfaction. They argue under Trump, various economic indicators such as gas prices, grocery prices, and unemployment rates were better managed. These Trump converts say he created a more stable financial environment. Similarly, Trump’s stricter immigration policies and more effective national security and public safety policies seem to also attract new supporters.

Demographic Patterns

The largest loyalty shifts appear most noticeable among middle-class and working-class voters who feel their economic conditions have worsened under the Biden administration. Many black voters and other minority groups also feel disenfranchised by Biden. They say he has failed to live up to his promises of improving their economic and social standing.

National sentiment data indicates many of these voters are feeling financial pressure and uncertainty, exacerbating their desire for a change in leadership.

Sentiment trends reflect a sense of betrayal and disappointment among previous Biden supporters. This is particularly evident among voters who once appreciated Biden's affiliation with the Obama administration or were influenced by local connections to him. A growing number of these disillusioned voters are turning to Trump, motivated by a belief that he would be tougher on immigration, rollback economic policies they believe are harmful, and better protect individual freedoms.

Demographic patterns suggest this shift is not uniform across all groups but is particularly notable among the working-class, suburban voters, and middle-aged to older Americans. Some young voters who feel passionately about issues like economic justice or immigration reform are also expressing disenchantment, although they may be more likely to turn towards progressive alternatives than to Trump.

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