Fans Go Wild for Trump at the Steelers Football Game

October 22, 2024 Fans Go Wild for Trump at the Steelers Football Game  image

Key Takeaways

  • A 20% neutral reaction online to Trump at the Steelers game may suggest a hidden vote of silent Trump supporters who avoid vocalizing their opinions.
  • Following the Steelers game, discussions on American Values increased in volume and sentiment, while engagement on Racial Issues declined.
  • While younger voters are more critical of Trump, indicators show a possible disparity in those are vocal and those who aren’t. 

Our Methodology


All Voters

Sample Size


Geographical Breakdown


Time Period

1 Day

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Donald Trump’s appearance at a Pittsburgh Steelers game, with support from former players Le'Veon Bell and Antonio Brown, sparked intense discussions across social media. The intersection of sports and politics, combined with Trump's polarizing presence, generated fervent support and harsh criticism.

However, reaction may also point to a hidden or silent vote, quietly aligning with Trump’s values and leadership without engaging in the volatile public discourse.

Polarization in Public Discourse

Voter conversations online are polarized about Trump’s connection with the Steelers. Sentiment trends demonstrate a split between those who view Trump as a symbol of traditional American values and those who see his involvement in sports as problematic.

Some also point out that television coverage of Trump at the Steelers game was extremely limited, showing only a few seconds of him on the Sunday Night Football broadcast. However, viral social media videos show the crowd loudly and enthusiastically cheering, “USA, USA, USA,” as Trump waved down from his box seats.

The implication may be that—while online conversations are highly polarized, real-life voters are charged for Trump’s patriotic message. Thousands of fans cheering in a football stadium may capture sentiments which are absent online as not all voters engage in political discourse on social media.

Positive Sentiment

Around 45% of comments across various platforms express support for Trump, emphasizing his alignment with American values, patriotism, and leadership. Many fans appreciate his connection to blue-collar workers and traditional values, especially among older demographics, who see him as a “real American” representing their interests.

Negative Sentiment

Around 35-40% are critical of Trump’s appearance at the game, often voicing concerns about politicizing sports. These sentiments are especially pronounced among younger fans, who tend to view Trump’s involvement as divisive and distracting from the Steelers' legacy.

Neutral Sentiment

Roughly 20% are neutral, focusing on the spectacle of Trump’s appearance without delving deeply into political allegiances. This group reflects the broader discomfort with the merging of sports and politics, without taking a strong stance.

A Hidden or Ignored Vote?

Though polarization dominates public discourse, there are signs of hidden support for Trump among those who choose not to voice their opinions openly.

Rising Focus on American Values

The volume and sentiment around American Values discussions have both increased, with up to 1,600 comments per day, reflecting growing resonance, particularly among older, conservative voters. Many in this group may avoid engaging in public debates but align strongly with Trump's ideals, contributing to the silent support.

Decreasing Engagement with Racial Issues

Discussions around Racial Issues have seen both a decline in volume and a decrease in sentiment. This suggests that while the issue remains relevant for some, it is becoming less central in broader discussions. The shift away from this topic may be another indicator that voters are gravitating more to Trump over the identity-driven Democratic platform.

Generational and Regional Dynamics

  • Younger voters (18-35) remain more critical, with racial and socio-political issues often dominating their critiques.
  • Older voters (36+) show strong support for Trump, with 70% of their comments expressing positive sentiment.

This suggests older voters may avoid confrontational debates but \quietly support Trump. National-level enthusiasm for Trump contrasts with the mixed reactions from local Pittsburgh residents, further indicating potential hidden support in offline conversations.

Neutral Sentiment as Silent Support

The presence of 15-25% neutral sentiment, particularly in the context of rising engagement with American Values, could signal silent support for Trump. In an environment where dissatisfaction is often vocalized online, a large neutral perspective points to those who prefer not to engage publicly but may lean toward Trump privately.

Linguistic Cues: Identity and Patriotism

The language used in pro-Trump discussions like “freedom,” “real American,” and “working-class hero," evokes traditional American ideals. Critics, on the other hand, focus on terms like “politicizing” and “distraction.” This contrast may suggest Trump’s supporters remain quiet but deeply aligned with his values.

The Intersection of Sports and Politics

Trump’s association with the Steelers taps into cultural themes of working-class pride and American identity. For many older voters, this connection solidifies their support, but they may remain silent in polarized public forums while intending to vote for Trump.

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