United States of America is in a State of Incompetency

October 15, 2024 United States of America is in a State of Incompetency  image

Key Takeaways

  • Americans discuss their distrust in government institutions, driven by perceived inefficiency and a crisis of competence.
  • Economic instability and government mismanagement heighten public anxiety, and many say leaders fail to respond adequately to national challenges.
  • Themes of the discussion include political polarization, disillusionment with the two-party system, and a desire for strong, accountable leadership.

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All Voters

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Geographical Breakdown


Time Period

1 Day

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A viral post on X discussing the state of decay across many elements in American life received more than 46 million views. The commentary on American life, which some call a “competency crisis,” resonates with people across the country.

MIG Reports analysis shows Americans are grappling with perceptions of systemic dysfunction, institutional failure, and declining competence. Discussions reveal embedded anxieties about leadership, governance, and the future of the country.

Public sentiment on topics like efficiency, service degradation, and operational decline includes distrust, frustration, and a desire for more effective leadership.

Distrust in Government

Across multiple crises, the common thread of distrust in government dominates American discussions. There is perceived inefficiency in economic management and government failure to address key national concerns. Many Americans express profound skepticism toward leadership.

  • In discussions about the "efficiency crisis," 34% of comments highlight a lack of faith in political leaders from both major parties. Many view government actions as ineffectual or disingenuous.
  • In discussions about “institutional failure" 78% of Americans are frustrated with current leadership, particularly regarding rising living costs and the government's inability to manage public resources effectively.
  • Distrust extends to concerns over “systemic dysfunction,” where 60% say governmental institutions are either corrupt or incompetent.
  • The pervasive lack of confidence in leadership underlines a broader societal shift where citizens feel increasingly disconnected from their representatives.

Economic Hardship and Anxiety

Economic concerns feature prominently in discussions about institutional failure, service degradation, and operational decline. Many Americans directly attribute economic instability to government mismanagement, particularly regarding rising living costs and inadequate disaster responses.

  • In discussions about "Institutional Failure," 70% of comments cite economic hardship as a direct result of government policies. Most people feel the government's reported economic successes, such as low unemployment, do not match reality.
  • In discussions about “service degradation,” 22% emphasize economic anxiety as a key concern. People mention fears of a "1929-style depression."
  • In discussions about "operational decline," 45% focus on the increasing cost of living, feeding resentment toward political elites.

Polarization and Disillusionment

Political polarization and disillusionment are central to the discourse on governance and systemic decline. Many Americans feel the country is more divided than ever, with the discourse about leadership featuring an "us versus them" mentality.

  • In discussions of “systemic dysfunction,” 35% of comments reflect the growing political divide. Many view those with opposing political views as a threat to societal stability.
  • In discussions about the "competency crisis," 40% express frustration with the two-party political system. People accuse Democrats and Republicans of failing to address the needs of ordinary Americans.
  • “Distrust in institutions” is high, with 50% questioning the integrity of political leaders. Some discuss the belief that elections are rigged or manipulated.
  • Disillusionment with the political process fosters a climate of cynicism, where many Americans feel neither party offers meaningful solutions to the country's problems.

Desire for Leadership and Accountability

Amidst the frustration and disillusionment, there is a clear desire for strong, effective leadership to address crises.

  • 28% say they hope for progressive leadership, particularly from Kamala Harris, who they believe can advocate for marginalized communities.
  • 75% want assertive leadership that can implement decisive and strong actions to resolve national crises.
  • Among both groups, there is a consistent call for accountability in leadership.
  • Around half of the discussion expresses urgency for political change, emphasizing the need for citizens to vote to prevent future failures.

Emotional and Social Impacts

Americans are not just concerned with governmental inefficiencies—they are emotionally affected by the perceived failures of their leaders.

  • Discussions about “service degradation” show 32% are disappointed in leadership, particularly over inadequate responses to natural disasters like Hurricane Helene.
  • Many feel the government's inability to meet their needs has led to widespread social division.
  • People feel emotional strain, expressing fear about safety, financial stability, and the future of the country.
  • This emotional toll is compounded by a sense of isolation, as people notice social divisions are deepening, with neighbors turning against each other based on political beliefs.
  • Despite this, there is also an undercurrent of resilience, emphasizing the importance of community solidarity in overcoming institutional failures.

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