Rudy Giuliani Gets Disbarred, Fueling Accusations of Lawfare

July 06, 2024 Rudy Giuliani Gets Disbarred, Fueling Accusations of Lawfare  image

Key Takeaways

  • Former New York mayor and Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani’s disbarment for being held in contempt of court angers conservatives and voters sensitive to lawfare claims.
  • Democrats and liberals express excitement and glee at consequences for anyone perceived as perpetuating false 2020 election narratives.
  • Conservatives double down on their belief that Democrats are politically targeting their opponents—especially those associated with Donald Trump. 

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New York just disbarred its former mayor and former Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani, making waves online as voters react. Accusations against Giuliani for making what the court deemed as false statements about 2020 election interference caused his disbarment. However, conservatives push back saying disbarring a lawyer for performer his job is an outrageous corruption of the court system.

Republicans Smell Vindictive Lawfare

Many voters say stripping Giuliani of his law license is one more case of selective and politicized targeting by Democrats against Trump allies. These voters argue Giuliani’s legal troubles are less about the facts of the case and more about a concerted effort by the Democratic establishment to silence and punish influential Republican figures.

They assert Giuliani, despite his controversial actions, is being unfairly targeted while similar scrutiny is not applied to Democratic counterparts. This perspective is echoed by assertions about media and Democrat complicity in protecting figures like Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, and Fani Willis from similar censure.

According to conservatives, the media and legal system are used as tools to advance a partisan agenda. They also frame Giuliani’s disbarment as a part of a broader strategy to destroy anyone who supports Donald Trump. They suggest high-profile Republican figures facing legal consequences like Giuliani, Steve Bannon, and Trump himself is boldfaced lawfare.

Further fueling outrage on the right is a distrust in the investigative processes that led to Giuliani being disbarred. Many conservatives suggest corrupt judges, prosecutors, and other political actors are playing out vendettas rather than impartial justice. They argue the real aim is to delegitimize Giuliani and prevent others from allying with Trump.

Right leaning voters believe cases like Giuliani’s set a dangerous precedent for legal action against Republican-aligned figures. They worry about a chilling effect on conservative legal advocacy, where potential defenders hesitate to represent Republican interests. Many also worry what these actions could mean for Trump as the election looms and his own legal cases are still unresolved.

In general, conservatives and Republicans feel Democrats will stop at nothing, including weaponizing the justice system, imprisoning and stripping credentials from their opponents, and gaslighting the public, to pursue the Democratic agenda.

Democrats Cheer for Giuliani’s Downfall

In contrast, Democrats generally perceive Giuliani being disbarred as a justified consequence of his actions. Many Democrats believe Giuliani engaged in unethical and potentially illegal behavior, particularly in contesting the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential election.

They view his disbarment as a necessary step to uphold the rule of law, with an added bonus of kneecapping their opposition. Democrats say Giuliani’s disbarment represents accountability and a reaffirmation of professional standards they feel Giuliani flagrantly violated.

Many Democratic voters feel vindicated by Giuliani’s downfall, as it aligns with their belief that his actions were illegal but also detrimental to American democracy. Many are celebrating it as part of a larger movement to hold Trump and his associates accountable for their alleged infractions.

The liberal media’s coverage of the event tends to emphasize alleged legal and ethical violations rather than norms or partisan inconsistencies. This tends to reinforce voter perceptions of Giuliani as a key figure in a nefarious Republican plot to steal the 2020 election.

Independent Voters

Some Independents who lean left perceive Giuliani's disbarment positively, aligning their views with those of Democrats in terms of legal and ethical accountability. However, those with a more conservative tilt may echo Republican concerns about political bias and unjust persecution.

There's also a significant segment of Independents who are tired of the protracted legal and political battles associated with Trump and his allies. They view these ongoing legal battles with a sense of fatigue, wishing to move past the contentious politics of the Trump era.

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