Can Trump Beat Biden in 2024? Data Points to Yes

November 07, 2023 Can Trump Beat Biden in 2024? Data Points to Yes image

Key Takeaways

  • Donald Trump holds a slim lead over Joe Biden in recent MIG data, consistent with other polls showing Trump leading by a few percentage points.
  • Trump appears to have an advantage among key demographics, including independents, rural voters, and working-class whites.
  • Voters express dissatisfaction with Biden, criticizing his handling of the Israel situation, Ukraine, inflation, national debt, border security, and concerns about Biden family corruption.

Our Methodology


All Voters

Sample Size


Geographical Breakdown


Time Period

30 Days

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Former President Donald Trump holds a slim lead over President Joe Biden in a recent Media Intelligence Group report. This data lines up with recent Reuters/Ipsos polling showing Biden’s approval rating at a low of 39% since April.

  • MIG data is consistent with surveys by The New York Times, Yahoo Finance and others showing Trump edging out Biden by a few percentage points in head-to-head matchups.
  • The former president appears to have an advantage among key demographics including independents, rural voters and working-class whites.

30-Day Sentiment Averages

In the last 30 days, MIG data shows Trump gaining higher support averages than Biden.

 In addition, Trump is gaining noticeably higher sentiments in Nevada, Iowa, Texas, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Ohio, and Florida. 

What Voters Are Saying

Recent Reuters/Ipsos polling reveals Biden hitting a very low approval rating of 39% at the beginning of November. Diving deeper, MIG data shows some of the reasons voters are unhappy with Biden.

 Voter Negativity Toward Biden

  • Criticism of Biden, accusing him of supporting genocide, aiding Hamas, and mismanaging the Israel situation.
  • Biden receives negativity from both sides regarding Ukraine. Some say he has deceivedthe
  • American people and over-funded Ukraine, while others lament that he has not done enough. Critics also blame Biden for high inflation, rising interest rates, and increasing gas prices.
  • Backlash for high national debt and accusations Biden is negatively impacting the housing market and food prices.
  • Displeasure overall for “Bidenomics.”
  • There is still severe dissatisfaction with Biden’s perceived mishandling of the Afghanistan withdrawal.
  • Many voters argue that the Biden administration has actively encouraged illegal immigration and
  • compromised border security.
  • There are also concerns about Biden family corruption and calls for the Justice Department to act and investigate.

 Criticisms of Trump

  • Despite a slim lead in support sentiment, MIG data shows voters are also divided on Trump with some asserting he will likely not be able to win against Biden.
  • There are still many concerns over Trump’s indictments and possible legal ramifications prior to the election.
  • Many voters express positivity towards the Trump economy, but he also receives criticism for contributing to the national debt.
  • In recent weeks, some of Trump’s comments on the Israel-Hamas conflict have caused negativity.
  • Many voters still feel Trump has such bad character that he should not be permitted to serve as president again.
  • There are expressions that the MAGA movement and Trump himself are racist bigots.

The Outlook for Both Candidates

  • Overall, support numbers for Biden and Trump have shown Trump with a lead for the last 30 days.
  • Voters give Trump higher marks on core issues like the economy, immigration and national security.
  • Though both are significantly unpopular with certain groups, Biden suffersadditional doubts about his age and mental fitness; Trump maintains staunch support from his Republican base. Trump still faces considerable legal vulnerabilities that could still dampen his standing.
  • Biden retains a slightly more favorable image among moderates and is less divisive among Democrats.

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