Voter Trust in Politicians and the Voting Process Remains Low

March 07, 2024 Voter Trust in Politicians and the Voting Process Remains Low image

Key Takeaways

  • Skepticism about the upcoming election process seems to be high among American voters for various reasons.
  • Democrats tend to trust the voting process but feel skeptical of politicians like Trump and potential foreign interference.
  • Republicans are more likely to distrust the election system itself, citing mail in ballots and rule changes as highly suspicious.

Our Methodology


All Voters

Sample Size


Geographical Breakdown


Time Period

30 Days

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As primaries are well under way in early 2024, there is a stark contrast between voter groups regarding trust in the election process. Democrats are more likely to fully trust the results of the 2020 election, with a belief that Joe Biden won fair and square. Republicans are extremely skeptical of the validity of voting processes around the country.

A highlight among many Republicans and Independents is the question of election integrity. There seems to be a growing belief that election fraud may occur again. In general, all voters have suspicions about potential outcomes of the 2024 election, but with different emphases, depending on party allegiance.

Democrats Trust the System and Criticize Trump

Voter sentiment among Democrats seems to be mixed. There are many who express strong support for Joe Biden. They express faith in the electoral process that led to his presidency. There seems to be little consternation about whether they can trust that their vote will be counted.

However, there are also many criticisms of the Biden administration among Democrats. This is driven less from skepticism about election integrity and more a result of the current state of America. Dissatisfaction could potentially impact their confidence in the election process if they perceive the party is forcing Joe Biden on an electorate who believes he’s too senile to serve.

Democrats tend to express concerns about interference from foreign powers more than a rigged internal voting system. Confidence in the electoral process is often linked to the party's emphasis on expanding voter access and reducing barriers to participation.

However, many Democrats voice concerns about voter suppression, particularly in communities of color, and the impact of gerrymandering on election results.

Democrat voters emphasize the importance of preserving democracy and fair elections, claiming a lack of substantial evidence of widespread voter fraud as proof of a reliable system. They also criticize Republican attempts to challenge the 2020 election, claiming it undermines democracy through false claims of fraud.

Democrats seem to focus more on the importance of voting and the impact of voter turnout, as seen in the mention of early voting in Texas and the low turnout in Dallas.

Overall, Democrats voice fears of specific politicians, like Trump, undermining the election process. They seem to fear foreign interference more than a broken system.

Republicans Are Highly Suspicious of Election Integrity

Many Republican voters express dissatisfaction with suspicious circumstances in many states during the 2020 election. As a result, they tend to speak skeptically about whether they believe votes are accurately collected and counted. There is a swath of Republicans who accuse Biden of cheating his way into office.

A lot of people allege fraud or corruption in local precincts, national parties, and even the news media when calling election results.

Republicans generally support stricter voter ID laws, oppose mail-in ballots, and point to cases of inflated voter rolls or votes by the deceased. They perceive many voting “irregularities” as attempts by the Democrats to control the election process.

They call for measures like volunteer supervision and ending mail-in ballots to ensure fair elections. They question the legality of abrupt changes made to voting rules and any delays in vote counting.

Many Republicans are concerned that, unless these election integrity issues are addressed, Trump may not be able to take office even if elected in 2024.

Overall, Republicans seem disillusioned with voting practices in specific states and nationwide. They tend to be highly suspicious that Democrats will do anything to ensure an electoral win. Many often express a belief that Donald Trump has been targeted both by a rigged election system and politicized legal indictments.

Independents Are Skeptical Across the Board

Independents tend to be more skeptical of the political process in general, often citing the influence of money in politics and the two-party system as problematic.

Many express dissatisfaction with both major political parties, indicating a broader distrust of party politics and the election process. Others indicate a willingness to vote based on a candidate’s performance rather than party affiliation, suggesting a level of confidence in the election process.

There are independents that agree with Republicans that the election process and the reliability of the election results is suspect. This group seems to be looking for more transparency and evidence to support cheating claims made by both the Democrats and Republicans.

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