Argentina Election Results

November 20, 2023 Argentina Election Results image

Key Takeaways

  • Milei is perceived as an agent of change by supporters excited for his anti-woke, anti-left stance.
  • Milei's average sentiment scores are higher than Massa's, with criticism directed at Massa's past leadership and hope for Milei to address issues like inflation and fiscal deficit.
  • MIG data predicting a Milei lead aligned with the final vote tally (56% Milei, 44% Massa).

Our Methodology



Sample Size


Geographical Breakdown


Time Period

45 days

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From the online discussions about the Argentine presidential election between Javier Milei and Sergio Massa, latest MIG data reflected

  • Significant increase in Ideologies, Int’l Affairs, and Security Issues
  • No major decreases across other topics
  • Ideologies may have been seen as the deciding factor in the late stages over Fiscal Policy


Agent of Change, Concern

  • Supporters excited for anti-woke, anti-left 
  • Seen as beacon of freedom 
  • Traditional rallying cry used online “Vive La Libetard” (long live freedom) 
  • Some voters worry for return to neoliberal policies 
  • Some voters also dissaprove of confrontational style 

Of note, a sharp increase in sentiment (and volume) was only reflected concerning Milei on the day of the election.

Fiscal Policy

Less Discussed, But Less Disliked

  • Going back to October 31st, the average sentiment scores for Fiscal Policy were
    • Massa: 38
    • Milei: 42

    Many commenters express criticism towards the previous leadership of Sergio Massa and Alberto Fernández, blaming them for high inflation, poverty, unemployment, security issues, and a significant deficit. Milei is seen as promising to lower inflation and fix the fiscal deficit. However, some commenters express concern about Milei's plans to privatize public companies like YPF, Télam, the Public TV, and National Radio.

    General Election Analysis

    Data appears to reflect a general tone, which is most voters sought a change in the status quo (economics, corruption).

    MIG data indicating a Melei lead was accurate to the final vote tally

    • MIG reporting
      • Melei 53%
      • Massa 47%
    • Final vote
      • Melei 56%
      • Massa 44%

    The overall view of Milei is mixed. Some comments express hope and congratulation, recognizing his victory and looking forward to the future under his leadership. There are also comments that seem to suggest his win was due to demagoguery and gained votes from traditional right-wing supporters and a high proportion of Schiaretti's supporters. Some express caution, stating that they hope Argentinians understand that the process under his leadership will be long.


    • For the final ten days, there was a near statistical tie in Talking About and Head-to-Head, prior to a clear break at the end
      • Talking About
        • Massa: 3351/day
        • Melei: 3328/day
      • Head-to-Head
        • Massa: 50%
        • Melei: 50%
    • The online discussions show a clear dissatisfaction toward Massa, many of the comments seeking change from the status quo pertaining to the economic conditions (inflation, poverty and unemployment rates), and for increasing the fiscal deficit.
    • They also accuse him of corruption and deception. Some comments suggest that if Massa wins, the situation will worsen.
    • Some users express support for Milei, blaming current economic problems on populist governments and expressing hope that Milei could bring about change.
      • e.g. proposed policies could reduce poverty and improve security
    • Others express concerns about Milei's plans, suggesting that they might lead to unemployment and other economic issues.
    • Melei is also accused of being associated with fascism, with some commenters express concerns about him allowing fascists to run rampant.
      • e.g. Some Melei supporters want to suppress freedom of expression.

    Overall, the majority of comments seem to indicate a preference for Milei over Massa, driven primarily by dissatisfaction with the current economic situation they attribute to Massa's leadership.

    Massa is criticized for his perceived hypocrisy such as his expensive Dolce & Gabbana jeans, which they view as contradictory to his image as a candidate who cares for the poor. They also criticize his supporters for protesting against insecurity, which they believe would only be a problem if Milei wins.

    Milei on the other hand, is accused of being associated with fascism. Some commenters express concerns about him allowing fascists to run rampant. He is also criticized for having supporters who want to suppress freedom of expression.

    Sergio Massa is viewed by some as using the state for his own benefit and the benefit of his friends. He is accused of not genuinely believing in social justice and using it as an argument to maintain his power. However, others express support for Massa, appreciating that he is not associated with certain ideologies or politics they disapprove of. There are also mentions of Massa receiving death threats and expressions of support in the face of such threats.

    Javier Milei is seen by some as a champion of liberalism, with claims that he has done more for the people than any other politician by showing them a possible reality and encouraging hope. However, he also has critics who accuse him of not believing in democracy, the state, the nation, and social justice, and only believing in market freedom. Some criticize his proposals as a recipe for social and economic chaos. Others argue that Milei is not liberal but a right-wing conservative neoliberal, and fear a return to the neoliberal models of past presidents if he wins. However, Milei also has supporters who see him as the only candidate with plans to recover sovereignty and respect diverse lifestyles, and who believe that the future of Argentina is liberal.

    Public Comments

    • 🦁‼️ Los gorilas del mundo rendidos a los pies de Milei: los festejos de Bukele, Bolsonaro y Zelenski 👉 Vox, Elon Musk y Donald Trump también se sumaron a la victoria de La Libertad Avanza. (💣 Faltó Darth Vader)
    • La logica indica que Milei va a ser Zelensky y va a terminar mal, o va a ser Boris Johnson y se va a diluir en su extremismo. En ambos casos lo van a repudiar los mismos que lo votaron.
    • En este país no se habla de esto. No hablan los medios, no lo repiten 24hs como otras cosas. No lo ves en @c5n ni en @todonoticias día y noche. De esto no habla Massa, no habla Milei, ni Macri, Ni Larreta, Ni Alberto... La ciudad de Buenos Aires es sionista GAZA 💔
    • me van a fallar los de milei si ahora en el bunker no cantan "anda a ver a una bruja, anda a ver a un doctor que te saque del orto la pija del leon"
    • Pasen la data!.. igual es tristísimo ver a alguien tan preparado, que termine en una secta de delincuentes!😩😎 " SI GANA MILEI Quemó TODOS MIS LIBROS, TITULO DE HARDVARD Y MI TESIS DOCTORAL DE MAS DE 600 PAGINAS.." " YO CREO QUE NO VA OCURRIR..." (Atilio Boron) así dijo está eminencia, Politólogo y Sociólogo Ultrakirchnerista QUEREMOS SABER CUADO Y EN QUE LUGAR VA PRENDER LA HOGUERA
    • Gracias Rusa linda Ganó Milei, sumando casi la totalidad de votos de la derecha tradicional de JxC y una muy alta proporción de Schiaretti. Con demagogia, ganaron parte del voto popular, contra un gobierno donde los ricos se enriquecieron y perdieron los que trabajan, producto del pacto con el FMI.
    • JAJAJAJA Si gana Milei, solo ruego que los argentinos entiendan que el proceso es largo.
    • Vos no laburas y vivis del Estado, el FMI presta plata al 4 por ciento, quien la pidio es el peronismo, al que vos no nombras obviamente porque sos el vagon de cola eterno, la putita del fascismo, hija de puta Ganó Milei, sumando casi la totalidad de votos de la derecha tradicional de JxC y una muy alta proporción de Schiaretti. Con demagogia, ganaron parte del voto popular, contra un gobierno donde los ricos se enriquecieron y perdieron los que trabajan, producto del pacto con el FMI.
    • @SergioChouza @JMilei Tu pollo pide licencia y huye, pero seguiremos pagando su plan Platita que son 3 puntos del PBI y deja un déficit 2024 de -8% del PBI; similar al del 2020 cuando su gobierno que se va no nos dejaba trabajar y producir, REBIÉN NOS IBA PAYASO 🤡

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