Americans Demand Swift Action Against Mexican Cartels

July 15, 2024 Americans Demand Swift Action Against Mexican Cartels  image

Key Takeaways

  • American discussions about the border are highly negative, focusing on national security, cartel activity, and the upcoming 2024 election.
  • There is widespread discontent with current policies and federal agencies as distrust mounts, likely influencing voter behavior.
  • Independent and undecided voters seek practical solutions as the border and cartel dangers grow imminently critical. 

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All Voters

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Geographical Breakdown


Time Period

7 Days

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MIG Reports analysis of social media discussions on the influence of Mexican cartels highlight domestic security, immigration, and the 2024 election. Conversations spiked just prior to Independence Day, emphasizing fear of terrorist attacks and broader security anxieties.

Immigration debates criticize DHS border management and polarized views of child trafficking. Discontent with political leaders like Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas is high, with reforms like those proposed by Project 2025 gaining traction. Eroded trust in federal agencies will likely significantly influence voter behavior ahead of the election.

The level of discussion about cartels correlates with American sentiment on the matter. This suggests many Americans are familiar with and hypersensitive to cartel activity. Most people are extremely critical of ongoing issues with child and drug trafficking, violent crime, and the economic impact caused by illegal immigrants who are often brought by cartels.

Immigration Issues

Voter discussions around immigration issues are dominated by false asylum seekers and international human rights issues, and government policies allowing entry and accommodation in the U.S.

Sentiment Trends

There is strong opposition to Biden’s lenient and poorly managed immigration policies. Critics argue illegal immigrants and false asylum seekers are exploiting the system, leading to negative consequences for U.S. citizens. They cite impacts like job losses and increased crime rates.

An increasing number of Americans believe the Biden administration providing accommodations and financial support to illegals is unconscionable. Voters dislike taxpayer funds being used to put illegal immigrants in hotels while American veterans remain homeless.

Many Americans clarify their stance is not “anti-immigration.” They say asylum claims for legitimate refugees should remain possible. However, they also emphasize the current system allowing rampant fraud, waste, and abuse of asylum polices.

Partisan Viewpoints

Conservatives are more likely to criticize immigration policies and express nationalist sentiments. Liberal leaning voters tend to emphasize human rights and legal due process for asylum seekers. However, more Democrats are beginning to acknowledge the border as a serious issue for America.

Undecided and Independent voters seem to be navigating these polarizing issues with a level of caution. Their inclinations in the upcoming general election may be heavily influenced by how Trump versus Democrats discuss the border.

Swing votes likely hinge on promises of comprehensive immigration reforms that balance national security concerns with humanitarian obligations. They also want coherent foreign policies which address international human rights issues without compromising U.S. interests.

Border Security

Heightened tensions at the southern border and ongoing debates about how we treat migrants are also contentious. Most Americans want stricter border controls and many even support mass deportations. Voters often cite crimes committed by illegal immigrants and the strains on public resources.

Progressives and open-borders libertarians oppose an enforcement-centric approach to the border. They often hold a humanitarian perspective, advocating for more compassionate immigration policies and pointing out the contributions immigrants make to society and the economy. However, these viewpoints are growing less common.

Sentiment Trends

Discussions around the upcoming elections are heated, with strong sentiments on both sides. Democrats and Republicans are firmly entrenched in their respective viewpoints, often resorting to hyperbolic language to demonize the opposition.

Rhetoric is particularly intense around Donald Trump and Joe Biden, as both sides use every opportunity to point out failures and potential misconducts, whether factual or perceived.

Partisan Viewpoints

Undecided and Independent voters are disillusioned. They express frustration with the current political race and its candidates. They see partisanship as overshadowing genuine policy debates about the border.

Moderates seem wary of both major parties, citing concerns over corruption, inefficiency, and a lack of real solutions. Their online discourse often hints at a desire for a third option, or at least for the existing candidates to address practical solutions rather than engaging in partisan bickering.

There is also widespread use of memes and exaggerated scenarios to express political frustrations and satire. For example, people often mention ice cream in discussions about President Biden, trivializing his image to highlight his increasingly obvious decline. This mocking discourse is prevalent with younger demographics who use humor to cope with political disillusionment.

Drug and Human Trafficking

Americans are increasingly worried about the fentanyl crisis, child trafficking, the economic turmoil caused by cartel activity. Many people criticize political figures and the media for deflection attention away from the drug crisis and horrific trafficking stories.

Sentiment Trends

Voters express deep concern about America’s fentanyl crisis, with many attributing the problem to an alleged partnership between Chinese entities and Mexican cartels. They also suggest this nefarious union is facilitated by Democratic open border policies.

Many people discuss the issue as an epidemic responsible for untold deaths, touching nearly all Americans in some capacity. This severe problem deepens public anxiety about cartel activity across the southern border.

Economic struggles, particularly inflation, persist as a critical discussion point. Many voice frustrations over rising fuel prices, increased living costs, and stagnant wages. These economic anxieties are amplified by concerns over rising crime, which voters often attribute to illegal immigrant offenders.

The topic of human trafficking, particularly child trafficking, invokes strong emotional responses across the demographic spectrum. It is often brought up with discussions of crime and border security. People view trafficking as a rampant underground industry that profits from vulnerable populations. The increase in human trafficking statistics is frequently cited as evidence of governance failures, often linked to broader criticisms of the Biden administration.

Partisan Viewpoints

Demographic analysis shows older, more conservative voters are most vocal about border security and crime. They emphasize a return to more stringent immigration policies. Younger voters and liberal-leaning demographics, while also concerned about these issues, tend to focus more on systemic reforms rather than punitive measures.

The division extends to discussions about leadership, with many expressing nostalgia for Trump-era border policies.

Undecided and Independent voters appear to be swayed by trafficking and cartel narratives. Their inclinations are shaped by who they believe offers the most comprehensive solutions to these urgent issues. Such voters currently exhibit a blend of apprehension and skepticism regarding both major political parties.

Americans are unified in their negativity toward Mexican cartels and, to a lesser extent, border security. But disillusionment with both political parties indicates a fluid election landscape with potential for significant shifts as November draws nearer. At this stage, it seems likely voters will respond to candidate stances on border control, economic recovery plans, and concrete actions against human trafficking.

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